
Keep Your Oral Health Optimal With These Simple Tips

Dental professional brushing a plastic teeth model.

From childhood, people are educated about the importance of good oral hygiene. Still, reminders serve as an important catalyst to keep individuals participating in the health and beauty of their teeth. Actions are taken at home and preventive dental exams are good ways to preserve and protect your smile. 


The Aesthetic Implant Dental Office of Dr. Howard Klaiman is dedicated to educating and encouraging people to maintain a good dental hygiene routine to keeping oral health optimal.


Brushing, Flossing, and Visiting a Dentist

Brushing away bacteria at least twice a day is important in preventing tooth decay. As bacteria feed on the sugars left on teeth, they release a corrosive acid that causes damage. The American Dental Association recommends using a toothbrush with soft bristles and brushing for a full two minutes. Include brushing the insides of the teeth as well, and then follow-up by rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash for further cleanliness. 


Brushing eliminates much of the bacteria on teeth, but flossing is necessary to remove the bacteria that is growing between teeth and at the gum line. Begin with at least 18 inches of floss, and use a new section for each tooth. Brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day can help prevent the serious condition of gum disease, which may lead to tooth and bone loss. Use a tongue scraper to further the removal of bacteria and eliminate bad breath.  


Even a strict routine of brushing and flossing cannot eliminate all the bacteria in our mouths. Scheduling routine visits to a dentist are essential to maintaining your oral health. Professional cleanings remove bacteria from the nooks and crannies that toothbrushes and dental floss cannot reach. Dental visits help stop the progression of cavities and can reverse signs of gum disease.  


Healthy Nutritional Habits

The primary cause of tooth decay and gum disease is sugar left on teeth, which invites bacteria to multiply. Replacing sugary foods with foods rich in fiber promotes oral health. The fiber found in apples, celery or granola, for example, creates friction that scrapes against the teeth, eliminating bacteria. Yogurt, milk, and cheese also have antibacterial qualities, and including them in a meal is recommended for good oral health.


Tobacco products are a leading cause of gum disease. Individuals who smoke are four times more likely to develop gum disease. By decreasing oxygen in the bloodstream, tobacco weakens the gums’ ability to fight off the damaging effects of bacteria.  If bacteria reach the tooth root, people are at risk of tooth and bone loss. Try to avoid all tobacco products as part of your optimal oral health program. 


Dr. Howard Klaiman in North York, Ontario

Dr. Howard Klaiman at Aesthetic Implant Dental Office is here to educate and treat patients with preventive routine exams and cleanings. Give our offices in North York, Ontario a call to help your teeth stay bright and healthy.

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