
Dental Hygiene Services

Desensitizing Varnish Treatment

Dentist puts fluoride varnish on a patient's tooth.

Desensitizing varnish treatment is a highly concentrated form of fluoride which is applied to the tooth’s surface. It is not a permanent varnish, but it can remain in contact with the tooth surface for several hours due to its adherent nature. It is applied to the tooth’s enamel and  used to help prevent decay, rejuvenate the tooth surface, and treat hypersensitivity.

How Long Lasting is Fluoride Varnish?

Varnish will stick to teeth for about 4-6 hours or until it is brushed away, but the positive effects can last for several months. Professional treatment should be repeated every three to four months, along with a good hygiene routine at home and regular check-ups. Desensitizing varnish treatment can be cost effective and can help you save money by preventing the need for future restoration procedures.


Contact us today to schedule a consultation to see if our desensitizing varnish treatment is right for you! 

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