

Root Amputation

Clear teeth model showing diseases due for root amputation.

A periodontal procedure called root amputation, also known as resection, keeps the healthy part of a molar that has a sick or damaged root (upper molars have three roots, and lower molars have two roots). When a single root becomes infected, the gum tissue around it may also get an infection, creating pockets where bacteria and plaque can amass.


Root amputation can also be utilized to create space between molars so that reasonable, non-surgical periodontal therapy can be carried out when the roots are too close together to allow for plaque cleaning and root planing.

Reason For Root Amputation

The main goal of root amputation is to prevent the extraction of a damaged or unhealthy tooth. The majority of dentists concur that keeping a healthy natural tooth is the best option, and the root amputation treatment makes this achievable. Pricey and time-consuming tooth replacement options include dental implants, elaborate bridgework, and customized fabrication. In general, root amputation is less costly and may be finished in one to three quick sessions.


Only healthy teeth can have their roots amputated. Teeth that are good candidates for root amputation have healthy tooth surfaces, solid bone support, and sound gum tissue below.

Root amputation may result from a number of issues, including:

  • Teeth with cracked, chipped, or damaged roots.
  • Germs that have been incorporated into the root’s structure.
  • Severe bone loss caused by periodontitis in a specific location.
  • Tooth decay that is focused in one place.

Overview of what root amputation entail:

Your periodontist will make an incision in your gums during a dental root amputation procedure to remove the unhealthy root while leaving the healthy ones and the crown in place. The structure and stability of the tooth can also be improved by placing a restoration, such as a filling, an onlay, or a crown.


In certain cases, root amputation can prevent extraction and save as much of your good tooth as feasible. This depends on the condition of each individual molar as well as how it connects with the surrounding teeth and gums.


Call us right away if you have any questions or concerns regarding root amputation.

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