
Dental Hygiene Services

Chlorhexidine Irrigation

Close up dental procedure done on a patient.

Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) is a broad – spectrum antimicrobial drug. It acts as an antiseptic and acts as a bactericidal agent against many microbe types, including bacteria, yeast, and viruses.


The goal of chlorhexidine irrigation is to flush away bacteria to decrease gingivitis development or to decrease the existing gingivitis. In patients where traditional dental plaque control is ineffective, CHX irrigation can be beneficial in killing the bacteria which causes gum disease progression. The effects of the rinse can last 8-12 hours and reduce both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

How CHX Works

CHX uses electrostatic forces to bind negatively charged sites on the bacterial surface which pierces the membrane structure. Eliminating the bacteria is what allows gum tissue to reattach to the scaled surface of the tooth root. CHX is best administered by a professional dentist and combined with follow up treatments and a good oral health routine at home.


Call our office today and find out how we can help you fight gum disease and maintain a healthy smile.   

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