
Cosmetic/General dentistry

Cracked Tooth

Woman with braces touching sore cheeks in pain due to cracked tooth.

Broken or cracked tooth are common dental issues. Due to developments in dental technology, people are keeping their natural teeth longer, which increases the probability of broken teeth. A crack in tooth can occur for a variety of reasons , including biting down on something hard, trauma, teeth grinding and clenching. All of these habits put additional stress on the teeth and increase their propensity to crack.


A broken tooth’s enamel can cause discomfort that is temporarily incapacitating. There may be no pain if there is no pressure on the fracture. However, the crack gets wider as you bite down on the damaged tooth. The pulp and internal structure of the tooth are then exposed, causing severe discomfort.

When the pressure is released, the two pieces of the fracture fuse back together, and the discomfort goes away. The pulp gets permanently damaged and painful if untreated. The bone and soft tissue surrounding the tooth may become infected as a result of the pulp infection.

The following are possible signs of a cracked tooth:

  • Odd discomfort when eating.
  • Dietary sensitivity to both heat and cold.
  • Pain without a clear reason.
  • Locating the source of the discomfort is difficult.

What kinds of cracks can harm teeth?

Several factors may cause a tooth to break. The type of crack will decide what therapy is most effective. If the crack is not too severe, root canal therapy can be used to save the natural tooth and allow it to stay in the mouth. In some cases, the tooth needs to be removed because it is  severely injured.

Most Common Types Of Cracks

Crazes: They are often very little, vertical cracks that do not endanger the teeth. Most dentists regard these surface scratches on the teeth to be a natural feature of the tooth biology. Health-related therapies for crazes are hardly ever necessary, but a number of cosmetic procedures can be used to lessen their undesirable visual effects.


Oblique supragingival cracks:  Only the crown of the tooth is affected by these fissures; they do not go past the gum line. Generally, the tooth’s afflicted area will finally break off. The tooth pulp, which houses the nerves and blood vessels, won’t be harmed, so there won’t be much discomfort.


Oblique subgingival cracks: The cracks extend past the gum line and even past the jawbone itself. Unless the dentist decides to remove it, a broken piece normally stays connected. Oblique subgingival cracks are uncomfortable and may need periodontal surgery (to expose the crown) as well as endodontic therapy to insert a crown or other restorative device.


Vertical furcation cracks:  The cracks develop as a result of the tooth roots separating. This sort of crack nearly often damages the tooth’s nerve. Root canal therapy and a crown can preserve the tooth because it won’t normally separate entirely.


Irregular root fractures: The surface of the tooth is often unaffected by these cracks. In reality, the damage is only visible behind the gum line and, in most cases, below the jawbone. The degree to which root canal treatment is an option depends on how close the fracture is to the tooth’s surface. To treat this type of fracture, however, extraction is almost always the sole alternative.


Vertical apical root cracks: The apex, or tip of the root, is where these fissures appear. From a dental standpoint, the tooth does not need to be extracted, but because of the intense pain, many patients ask for this. Root canal therapy temporarily relieves the discomfort, but in most cases, teeth with such cracks must be removed.

How are tooth cracks treated?

Cracked teeth come in a variety of forms. While some can only be seen using X-ray equipment, others are immediately obvious to the naked eyes. The most effective kind of treatment when the tooth root is harmed is root canal therapy. After removing the tooth’s pulp, nerves, and blood vessels, gutta-percha will be used to replace the empty cavity. The tooth will be stabilized with a crown or filling, and it will continue to operate normally.


A tooth extraction will be done by the dentist if the crack is too serious to save the tooth. Bridges, dental implants, and partial dentures are just a few of the restorative treatments available in this situation. Each of these structures can reestablish the functions of biting, chewing, and speaking.


Contact our office if you have any questions or concerns concerning cracked teeth.

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