
4 Key Signs You Need Root Canal Treatment In North York

Dentist discussing root canal treatment to patient.

Have you been experiencing any of these troubling symptoms?

Have you been experiencing any symptoms that may require a root canal treatment North York? Of the many dental-related issues a person can potentially experience in a lifetime, there are several common telltale signs that point to potentially needing a root canal treatment.

Sometimes, root canal treatment North York may fall under emergency dental care. Emergency dentist services may be useful when a patient is experiencing a dental emergency and needs to receive root canal right away. Let’s explore some of the questions you can ask yourself about your tooth pain to help get you closer to determining whether a root canal treatment North Yorkl may be (unfortunately) in the cards.

  • Question one: Does tooth pain occur with no particular trigger to set it off?

Extreme hot/cold temperatures or sweet foods are notorious for causing tooth pain for many people, especially those with particularly sensitive teeth. However, if your tooth pain comes on with no known trigger, or it persists for longer than normal following exposure to hot/cold or sweet, then it’s time to have your tooth examined by a professional. 

This is because there is a good chance that only a root canal treatment North York procedure will be able to save it from extraction (if it isn’t too late already). Some tooth pain may be so severe that the patient may need an emergency dental clinic. In such cases, emergency dental Toronto root canal treatment North York may be necessary.

  • Question two: Is there discoloration on the tooth in question?

Tooth darkness or discoloration on a single tooth (not affecting the neighboring teeth) can indicate severe infection or death of the tooth. If you notice any change in your tooth’s color, please see our dentist in North York, Toronto immediately.

  • Question three: Does pain intensify with movement?

If you notice that your tooth pain worsens when you suddenly move or alter the position of your body, this is another telltale sign that your tooth needs prompt professional intervention. Don’t wait!

  • Question four: Does there appear to be a fistula or an abscess on the gum?

Fistulas, or “gum boils”, are spots that look like pimples that appear on the gum in the area of the troubled tooth. Although they usually don’t present any pain, these spots are a very clear indication that an infection is present. The moment you notice anything like this on your gums, get to our Toronto dental office as soon as you can.

Any sign of swelling and/or tenderness in the mouth can also be a sign that your tooth is in need of immediate care. In addition to root canal treatment North York, dental hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing two times per day and regular checkups with a dental professional are the best way to maintain a healthy smile. If you are looking for additional dental services, our Clinic offers a variety of services such as prosthodontics, which focuses on the restoration and replacement of teeth.


Persistent tooth pain should never be ignored

Tooth pain should be a cause for concern if it’s beyond normal sensitivity. If your tooth pain is more than just a reaction to extreme temperature or sweetness, or, if you’ve noticed any concerning signs in your mouth, book an appointment with our office ASAP.


With any dental issue, early intervention will help to reduce the risk of needing a more extensive treatment, or worse, potentially losing a tooth. Our Dr. Klaiman has years of experience performing endodontic procedures – so your tooth is in safe hands.

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