
North York Dental Office: Stop Periodontitis With Gum Graft

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Gum grafting is a surgical procedure used by a North York dental office to restore receding gum lines. It involves taking healthy gum tissue from one area of the mouth and attaching it to the affected area. This forms a new, protective layer of gum tissue that helps prevent further recession and damage. The grafting procedure is typically done under local anesthesia and can be done in one visit. It is designed both to protect the exposed root surfaces and improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile. 

Procedure for gum grafting at a North York dental office is a safe and effective way to improve gum health and restore a natural, healthy look to your smile. It is often used to treat gum recession, which can occur due to aging, trauma, or aggressive brushing. Gum recession can lead to exposed roots, which can cause sensitivity and lead to a variety of other dental issues. The gum graft surgery can help to lessen these complications by replacing missing gum tissue. 

What to expect

During the gum grafting procedure in North York dental office, the patient’s gums are numbed with a local anesthesia. A thin layer of the patient’s tissue is harvested from the roof of the mouth. This tissue is then sutured to the area of the gums that need to be augmented. This procedure helps restore the optimal width of the gum line in order to protect the patient’s teeth from further damage. 

The outcome of the gum graft is often visible within a few weeks and the area is usually healed within a few months. Although patients can expect some minor discomfort and swelling following the procedure. However, they can return to their daily activities within a few days.

What happens during a gum graft procedure 

During the procedure, the dental surgeon at North York dental office will take a small piece of tissue from either the roof of the mouth or another donor site and place it over the area of recession. The tissue will then be stitched into place. Depending on the severity of the recession, the surgeon may need to remove or add additional tissue to ensure a proper seal. 

After the graft has been completed, the surgeon will monitor the patient closely to ensure that the new tissue is healing properly. The patient may experience some discomfort during and after the procedure. This, however, ought to pass after a few days. With proper care, the grafted area will be restored and the patient’s oral health will be improved.

Types of gum grafts 

 There are several types of gum grafts available, each with its own benefits. 

  • Connective tissue grafts use tissue from the roof of the mouth to replace lost gum tissue.

  • Pedicle grafts use tissue from the adjacent gums to cover the exposed root. 

  • Free gingival grafts use tissue from the palate to cover small areas of recession. 

  • Allografts are cadaver-derived tissue used to cover larger areas of recession. 

  • Finally, a tunneling technique uses a scalpel to create a small tunnel in the gum tissue and suture it in place. 

Each type of gum graft has its own benefits and drawbacks. Among it’s benefits may include helping eradicate periodontal diseases. A periodontist will be able to advise which is most appropriate for the patient’s individual needs.

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Recovery from gum graft procedure

Recovery from gum tissue grafting at a North York dental office is a relatively straightforward process. Following the procedure, patients can expect some bleeding, swelling, and discomfort for the first few days. To help with the discomfort, a prescription for a painkiller may be given. Additionally, an antibiotic may be administered to stop an infection.

Patients at a North York dental office should avoid vigorous exercise, hot beverages, and brushing in the area of the graft for at least a week. Long-term recovery involves maintaining proper dental hygiene. These include brushing and flossing regularly, and attending regular dental check-ups to ensure the graft is healing properly. With proper care, patients can expect to see a restored gum line and improved smile in a matter of weeks.

Benefits of gum graft procedure 

Gum grafting is a dental procedure that can help to improve the appearance of your smile by improving the appearance of your gums. The procedure involves taking tissue from another area of your mouth and grafting it onto the affected areas of your gums. This helps to replace lost or damaged tissue, helping to improve the overall look of your gums and teeth. 

  • Additionally, the procedure can help to protect the roots of the teeth from becoming exposed and vulnerable to decay. 

  • Gum grafting also helps to reduce receding gums, which can lead to poor oral hygiene, bad breath, and other complications. 

  • Finally, gum grafting can help to provide a more balanced and uniform look to your teeth.

The takeaway 

A gum graft procedure in a North York dental office can be a great way to improve the health and appearance of your gums. It is crucial to go over the advantages and disadvantages with your dentist in Toronto. With the right preparation and an experienced dental team, the procedure can be a success and your gums can be restored to a healthy and beautiful appearance. 

Reliable and experienced dentists in Aesthetic Implant and General Dentistry Clinic can give your smile a new look with gum contouring. Schedule a consultation now to get started.  

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